Ivan Gallego
I produced the coffee you have in your hands!
Finca La Mariela
Ivan is the oldest of 19 children. He has a wealth of knowledge within as a coffee grower, this was built from his many years of experience helping his father from a very young age. He is now in his 50’s and his coffee expertise and skill is reflected in his crops with his high score and delightful coffee.
May - June 2018
Ivan has a very strict cherry selection criteria on his farm, once the cherries are picked Ivan uses the washed process method.
After screening, only the ripe cherries are allowed into the de-pulping machine. The fermentation process period takes roughly 25 hours. After fermentation, the coffee is washed and sun dried on patios and drying beds until 11% of humidity, then a coffee sample is taken to the Lab.
Parchment coffee is packaged and stored in the farm until lab results are available and price is agreed
According to the score 85,5 Colombian Artisan Coffee offer to Ivan 25% more than the market price.
Ivan happily agreed .
The coffee is weigh and stored in Colombian Artisan Coffee warehouse under right conditions to preserve the right humidity and quality.
1 day later the coffee is shipped to the milling in Medellin