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Gregorio Gallego

Harvest 2020-2021

Finca La Conejera

Gregorio's farm is located on top of a mountain in the central Andes of Colombia between 1700 and 1800 m.a.s.l. The farm contains Bourbon, Caturra, Colombia and Castillo varieties. The family house is also used for pulping, fermenting, washing and drying.​

Due to the economic, institutional and security problems that affect the coffee-growing industry in Colombia, many local families have been indirectly forcing younger generations out of the region and into the bigger cities in search of better opportunities, but Gregorio was one of his 9 brothers who wanted to be a farmer as his father instead of moving to Medellin.

Gregorio is a coffee farmer and a beekeeper. ​


Regenerative Agriculture

Organic LAB.jpeg


Organically Produced

    3 years without chemicals.

Gregorio started this journey 3 years ago, when he stopped using fertilizers with chemicals. His motivation started when he had the idea to bring some bees to the farm but unfortunately, they left.

He is producing every component that the soil and the coffee trees need in a natural way and stopping the use of fertilizers the bees are back in the farm and they are producing amazing honey with oranges and coffee notes plus the coffee trees are producing more.


Bees play a big role in agriculture. They pollinate crops, increase yields, and give rise to a lucrative honey industry. Bees are so important, in fact, that millions are spent renting hives to pollinate farmers’ crops.




       November 2020 - January 2021

Gregorio has a very strict cherry selection criteria on his farm. After screening, only the ripe cherries are allowed into the de-pulping machine. The fermentation process period takes roughly 36 hours, 24 hours in cherries and 12 hours after depulping. After fermentation, the coffee is washed and sun dried on patios and drying beds until 11% of humidity, then a coffee sample is taken to the Lab.

Parchment coffee is packaged in grain pro bags and stored in the farm until lab results are available and price is agreed



         Score: 85

Variety: Caturra, Colombia & Bourbon

Beans: 100% Arabica

Taste: Delightful flavors of sweet caramel and passion fruit. Well balanced taste with a slight hint of chocolate.

Coffee Lab: Rituales

Competition cupping: SENA Antioquia

Due to the onsite education provided by Colombian Artisan Coffee, Gregorio has improved his scores from 82 to 85 and 86.


In November 2019 his coffee won the award of the best cup of coffee in a regional competition in Antioquia.


We continue experimenting new methods according to the varieties.





According to the score 86/87 Colombian Artisan Coffee offers to Gregorio 75% more than the market price. 

Gregorio happily agreed.

The coffee is weighed and stored in Colombian Artisan Coffee warehouse under the right conditions to preserve the right humidity and quality.

At the beginning of February, the coffee was shipped to the milling in Medellin.

The parchment is milled carefully by farm, defects are removed and screen size over 16 is packed in grain pro bags to preserve the right humidity and quality.

The sacks of Finca La Conejera are ready to be exported to the UK

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