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Guillermo Hernandez

I produced the coffee you have in your hands!

Finca El Sendero


Guillermo is the only one in his family who follows the coffee growers tradition. He has a wealth of knowledge within as a coffee grower, this was built from helping his father from a very young age and his curiosity in coffee production. He is always looking for new methods to improve the quality of his coffee.






November-December 2022

January 2023


Guillermo has a very strict cherry selection criteria on his farm, once the cherries are picked Guillermo uses the washed or natural process method. After screening, only the ripe cherries are allowed into the de-pulping machine. The fermentation process period takes roughly 24 hours. After fermentation, the coffee is washed and sun dried on patios and drying beds until 11% of humidity, then a coffee sample is taken to the Lab.

Parchment coffee is packaged and stored in the farm until lab results are available and price is agreed



Score: 84

Variety: Castillo and Colombia

Beans: 100% Arabica

Taste: Delightful notes of forest fruit berries. Well balanced taste with a slight hint of hazelnut


Coffee Lab: Rituales




February 3 -2023


According to the score 84 Colombian Artisan Coffee offer to Guillermo 25% more than the market price. 

Guillermo happily agreed .


The coffee is weigh and stored in Colombian Artisan Coffee warehouse under right conditions to preserve the right humidity and quality.


1 day later the coffee is shipped to the milling  in Medellin



February 2023


The parchment is milled carefully by farm and screen size over 14 is packed in grain pro bags and coffee sacks to to preserve the right humidity and quality.

6 sacks of Finca El Sendero are ready to be exported from Colombia to the UK.

Cargo Ship


The microlot from Finca El Sendero is loaded in a container with other specialty coffee.


Update: February 28 the coffee arrives to the port in Cartagena Colombia



Update: March 24 the coffee has arrived to the UK



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