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Los Tres Mosqueteros

Felipe Henao Triana

From the Winner of the

Colombian Cup of Excellence

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Felipe does not need any introduction, he is the 2020 champion of the Colombian cup of excellence. His Chiroso variety coffee, from Los Tres Mosqueteros farm, scored 90.03 points and earned the competition’s only Presidential Award.


The coffee is grown in Urrao Antioquia.





 January 2022



Felipe has a very strict cherry selection criteria on his farm, after screening, only the ripe cherries are allowed into the fermentation process.


Felipe is using an ancient fermentation, every day after recollection he adds the selected ripe cherries into the fermentation tanks that has the beans recollected from all week. After a week of fermentation, the coffee is washed in clean water to stop the growth of bacteria and sun-dried on patios and drying beds until 11% humidity.






Varieties: Chiroso

The Chiroso coffee tree looks like a Caturra tree but the beans are quite long like a Bourbon variety.


Beans: 100% Arabica


Taste: Delightful floral notes with tropical and passion fruit flavours. Well-balanced taste.




March 2022


According to the score 90 Colombian Artisan Coffee paid to the farmer 400% more than the coffee market price.


The coffee is weighed and transported to the milling.



April 2022


The parchment is milled carefully and screen size over 16 is packed in grain pro bags and coffee sacks to preserve the right humidity and quality.

The sacks from Los Tres Mosqueteros are ready to be exported from Colombia to the UK.

Packaging Factory


May 2022


The micro-lot  is ready for export, the coffee is transported to the Cartagena Port


June 2022

The container arrives to the UK

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